Pain in the Lower Back Region Suddenly or over Period of time. Pain Spreading Horizontally or Vertically along the Spine. Pain at different levels like L4-L5 region
Pain in the mid back region centrally or in the paraspinal area. Stiffness in the back mostly early in the morning. Local pain all over the spine more during activity.
Pain radiating for lower limb (legs) from lower back or buttock. Tingling sensation while walking. Heaviness in the legs while walking. Decreased walking distance. Pain more at night in the calf region. Burning sensation in legs or LL.
Pain in lower back region which increases while changing position. Back pain more than leg pain. History of trauma to spine. Fracture of vertebrae.
Pain in neck region due to cervical spondylosis.Tinging and numbness in upper limb (hand).Difficulty in holding object.Pain aggravates in night.
Tingling or burning sensation in hands but no neck pain. History of diabetes present. History of chronic tobacco or related product addiction chronic alcoholism. History of cancer related treatment.
Pain in shoulder joint. Restricted movements of should joint. Difficulty in combing hair. H/O Jerk or trauma to shoulder joint. H/O Diabetes present.
Pain in single or both knee. Pain while walking or stepping.Difficulty in squatting, sitting on ground. Swelling in the knee joint. Pressure on knee joints due to obesity.
Pain inside of your hip or groin. Pain increases after exercise. Stiffness and restricted movements with hip joint. Avascular Necrosis another common cause of hip pain. Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
History of injury. Arthritis and Age related wear and tear. Pain and stiffness around ankle. Amy Difficulty to put any weight on ankles.
Pain in multiple joints. Tender, warm, swollen joints. Joint stiffness that usually worse in the mornings.Fatigue, fever and loss of appetite.
Pain with elbow joint usually on outer aspect.Pain may radiate to forearm or wrist. Difficulty to shake hands or grip an object.
Severe Pain near the heel. Pain increases in the morning. Pain increases while prolonged period of standing. History of trauma to heel.
Long term high blood sugar levels. Numbness and tingling with hands or feet. Wasting of thigh muscles.
Severe pain, redness, stiffness with affected joint. Gout attacks of pain occurring suddenly at night lasting for 1 - 2 weeks. High level of uric acid in blood. Tenderness even with light touch
Widespread muscle pain and tenderness. Triggered by a stressful, physical or emotional event. Fatigue and Disturbed sleep.
Pain in lower back and buttocks. Pain can extend down in one or both legs. Prolonged standing increases pain. Stretching of SI joint in pregnancy and child birth leads to inflammation with the joint.
Patient having similar symptoms even after surgery. Pain in legs, tingling, burning and numbness in legs. It is caused due to surgery or due to instability
Severe, sharp, shooting, facial pain, like an electrical shock. Pain lasts for few seconds or about 2 min. Pain in areas supplied by trigeminal nerve including cheek, jaw, teeth, lips sometimes temporal region. Pain affecting one side of face.
Long lasting pain in the areas of your skin where you had shingles. Burning, sharp, aching, throbbing pain in affected areas. Pain gets worse at night or in heat & cold temperatures. Pain increase even with light touch
Sharp shooting unbearable pain. Burning, tingling and numbness. Pain due to cancer itself or due to chemo / Radio therapy.